WORK of salvation in the Christian era is written in the Book of Revelation.
The first work of salvation was that which was led by the Lamb:
I looked, and behold, a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred
and forty four thousand, having His Father’s name written on their foreheads.
…These are the ones who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins.
These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These were redeemed
from among men, being first fruits to God and to the Lamb." (Rev.
14:1,4, New King James Version)
The first
fruits numbering 144,000 were with the Lamb and redeemed from among men. The
Lamb referred to is our Lord Jesus Christ (Jn. 1:29) and those redeemed are
members of the Church of Christ that was purchased with His blood (Acts
20:28, Lamsa Translation). The 144,000 who
were assured of salvation belong to the 12 tribes of Israel and were, therefore,
His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind
of firstfruits of His creatures.
a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelves tribes which
are scattered abroad: Greetings." (Js. 1:18,1,NKJV)
The Jews
who became members of the Church of Christ in Judea (Gal. 1:22, Lamsa Translation) were the first fruits of the first work
of salvation in the Christian era.
The second work of salvation
The next
work of salvation was that of the first angel:
I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting
gospel to preach to those who dwell on earth - to every nation, tribe, tongue,
and people -
with a loud voice, ‘Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His
judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and
springs of water." (Rev. 14:6-7, NKJV)
The angel
referred to is an angel of the Church ["To the angel of the church of
Ephesus write,…" (Rev. 2:1, NKJV)], meaning, a minister:
Literally ‘messenger:’…(2) A minister or pastor of a Church, Rev. 2:1." (Crudence Comple Concordance to the Old and New Testament,
p. 16)
prophesied angel in Revelation 14:6-7 is a preacher of the gospel, preaching to
every nation, tribe, tongue, and people. His aim is to give glory to God.
Apostle Paul was the fulfillment of this prophecy since he preached to the
Gentiles that they should turn to the living God and that God had appointed a
day in which He will judge the world (Acts 14:14-15; 17:22, 27-31). He
converted the Gentiles to the Church of Christ (Rom. 15:16; 16:4,16). His
preaching function was the second work of salvation.
The second angel
The work of
commissioning that followed the first-century Church of Christ was that of the
second angel who testified "Babylon is fallen":
another angel followed, saying, ‘Babylon is fallen, is fallen’." (Rev.
14:8, NKJV)
fulfillment of this prophecy about the second angel is Martin Luther who was
foremost in initiating the Reformation Movement within the Catholic Church in
the 16th century.
The Babylon
referred to is the "dwelling place of demons" (Rev. 18:2). It also
refers to the "MOTHER OF HARLOTS who sits on many waters" (Rev.
17:5,1). The "many waters" on which Babylon sits are "peoples,
multitudes, nations, and tongues" (Rev. 17:15). We know that a harlot is a
woman of ill-refute. Thus, Babylon is the mother of harlots or women of
ill-refute and she sits on many waters or is universal.
The true
Church, on the other hand, is likened to a chaste virgin (II Cor. 11:2).
Babylon, the "mother of harlots," is also a church, but not the true
The name
"Babylon" is synonymous with Rome (The Papal Encyclicals, p. 34; The Question Box, p. 143). The church that bears the name
"Rome" and is universal is the "Babylon" referred to in the
Book of Revelation as "THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS," the habitation of demons.
Which Church has the name Rome and is universal? James Cardinal Gibbons
testified thus;
word Catholic Church alone deserves the name of Catholic is so evident that it
is ridiculous to deny it. Ours is the only Church which adopts this name as her
official title.
word Catholic, or Universal, signifies that…she is diffused over every nation
of the globe, and counts her children among all tribes and peoples and tongues
of the earth." (The Faith of Our Fathers, p. 24)
Thus, the
Babylon is the Roman Catholic Church. This is the church that is universal as
Catholic authorities themselves admit and is, therefore, the one mentioned by
the second angel as "Babylon is fallen"
"Babylon" or the Catholic Church is fallen means it is without
foundation (Lk. 6:49, NKJV) or is not founded on the Lord
Jesus Christ who is the true foundation of the Church (Eph. 2:20-22, Ibid.).
The fact
that the Catholic Church is not founded upon Christ but upon Peter (Apostles’ Creed, p. 216) proves that it turned away from
The second
angel or messenger, Martin Luther, testifies that the Catholic Church is
fallen. His attempt to reform the Catholic Church though failed.
The Roman
Church held on to unscriptural teachings and continued in its apostasy. This
Church, being the mother of harlots, and various Protestant churches that
emerged from her are not God’s work of salvation. God, therefore, has appointed
the reemergence of the true Church of Christ in these last days that His work
of salvation may continue.
The last work of salvation
prophecy written in the Book of Revelation reveals the last work of salvation
led by the third angel:
a third angel followed them, saying with a load voice, ‘If anyone worships the
beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his
hand,…" (Rev. 14:9, NKJV)
The work of
the third angel or messenger is to warn people who received the mark of the
beast on their forehead or on their hand. He is to execute God’s work of
salvation until the time of harvest (Rev. 14:14-15) or until the end of the
world (Mt. 13:39).
The signs
indicating that the end of the world is at hand are wars, famines, earthquakes,
and sufferings (Mt. 24:3, 6-8). These signs signal that the end is near (Mt.
24:33). The work of the third angel will extend up to the end of the world
because he is the messenger of God from the
ends of the earth as prophesied by Isaiah:
whom I have taken from the ends of the earth,
and called you from its farthest regions, and said to you, ‘You are my servant,
I have chosen you and have not cast you away’." (Is. 41:9, NKJV, emphasis ours)
fulfillment of the wars mentioned in the prophecy that would involve nations
were the First World War and the Second World War. The First World War broke
out on July 27, 1914, marking the beginning of the period ends of the earth or
the time when the end of the world is near. We believe that the fulfillment of
the prophecy concerning the third angel who would begin the work of salvation
in this period is Brother Felix Y. Manalo.
The Church
of Christ preached by Brother Felix Y. Manalo was registered with the
Philippine government on July 27, 1914, concurrent with the beginning of the
First World War. There will not be another work of salvation because Brother
Felix Y. Manalo is God’s last messenger - his mission is to begin during the
time of the ends of the earth and will extend up to Judgment Day (Is. 41:9,4).
previously mentioned, the third angel would warn those who have the mark on
their forehead or on their right hand. This is the mark of Roman Catholics -
the "sign of the cross" (The Externals of the Catholic Church,
p. 218). Those who have this mark are bound to perdition in the lake of fire,
the second death (Rev. 14:9-11;20:14).
The mission
of God’s last messenger is to preach the Church of Christ that was redeemed
with Christ’s blood (Rev. 14:13; Acts 20:28, Lamsa
Translation). This Church is the last work of salvation before the
Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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