Tuesday, 28 August 2012


The earlier English Translations of the Bible—such as Douay-Rheims (1609-1610), King James Version (1611), American Standard Version (1901), Revised Standard Version (1952), New English Bible (1961, 1970), and New American Bible (1970)—do not contain Cyrus?name in Isaiah 46:11.

 It was only in the rendition of the Living Bible, which was published in July 1971, when the name of Cyrus appeared in Isaiah 46:11.

It is important to bear in mind that the Living Bible is a paraphrase of the Old and New Testament. What is a “paraphrase?? In the Living Bible Version itself, it is explained:

“To paraphrase is to say something in different words than the author’s thoughts, using different words than he did.?(Preface, Living Bible)
The paraphraser of the Living Bible used words different from what the author originally used. The danger of paraphrase was also explained in the preface of the Living Bible:
“There are dangers in paraphrases, as well as values. For whenever the author’s exact words are not translated from the original languages, there is a possibility that the translator, however honest, may be giving the English reader something that the original writer did not mean to say.?(Ibid.)
We do not oppose the use of the Living Bible, or any other Bible translation for that matter. What we oppose are the verses that are erroneously translated, such as Isaiah 46:11 of the Living Bible.

The inclusion of the name of Cyrus in Isaiah 46:11 is not correct. Cyrus is not the “bird of prey from the east because he does not fulfill the conditions that identify the prophesied messenger in Isaiah 46:11. The inclusion of Cyrus name in that verse is merely an assumption of the paraphraser of the Living Bible.


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