Friday, 7 September 2012

Some unbiblical beliefs of the Mormons

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recognizes three more books, in addition to the Bible, as basis for judging the belief and conduct of men:

"The Latter-day Saints accept 4 volumes as the standard works of the Church. These are the Bible, the book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. By unanimous vote of the General Conference, these four have been declared to be established rule or test, by which the belief, the teachings, and the conduct of men must be judged." (Hyrum M. Smith and Janne M. Sjodahl. Doctrine and Covenants commentary, P. xi, emphasis ours)

On the other hand, the apostles taught that man will be judged according to the gospel or Gods words written in the Bible and anyone who goes beyond or adds to what is written in the gospel will be punished:

"In the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel." (Rom 2:16, New King James Version, emphasis ours)

"Now, brothers, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, "Do not go beyond what is written." (I Cor. 4:6, New International Version, emphasis ours)

"For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book, If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book:" (Rev. 22:18, New King James Version, emphasis ours)

...the "latter-day Saints" believe that God is a man?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints lexicon of doctrines cite Doctrine and Covenants as teaching that the Father in heaven is a man with a body of flesh and bones and who became God by reaching glory and perfection:

"God the Father is a glorified and perfected Man, a Personage of flesh and bones [D&C], in which tangible body and eternal spirit is housed." (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine. p. 30, emphasis ours)

But this directly opposes the teaching of the Bible that the true God is not man in nature but a spirit having no flesh and bones:

"God is not a man, that He should lie; Nor a son of man, that he should repent:" (Num. 23:19, NKJV, emphasis ours)

"God is a Spirit." (Jn.4:24, Ibid, emphasis ours)

"Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself: handle Me, and see; for a spirit have not flesh and bones, as you see I have." (Lk. 24:39, Ibid, emphasis ours)

..."Latter-day Saints" baptize the dead by proxy?

The Church of Christ of Latter-day Saints alleges that through baptism by proxy, people of all ages who have long been dead could still become heirs in the Kingdom of God:

" Based on the principle of vicarious service, The Lord has ordained baptism as a means whereby all his worthy children of all ages can become heirs of the salvation in his kingdoma vicarious proxy labor" (Mormon Doctrine. p. 73, emphasis ours)

However, not only is this doctrine not found in the Bible, it also contradicts the biblical teaching that before a person could be baptized, he should first hear and believe in the gospel. The dead know nothing and cannot do anything. They have no more share in what the living do, much less a hope for Gods reward if they have failed to secure it in life:

"And He said to them, Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe not will be condemned. (Mk. 16:15-16, NKJV, emphasis ours)

"For the living know that they will die: But the dead know not any thing, And they have no more reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also their love, their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; Nevermore will they have a share in anything that is done under the sun. (Eccl. 9:5-6, Ibid, emphasis ours)

..."Latter-day Saints" believe that there are many Gods?

The Church of Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches that there is an infinite number of gods:

"Three separate personages-Father, Son, and Holy Ghost-comprise the Godhead. As each of these persons is a God, it is evident, from this standpoint alone, that a plurality of Gods exists" but in addition there is an infinite number of holy personages, drawn from worlds without number, who have passed on to exaltation and are thus gods" (Mormon Doctrine. p. 576-577, emphasis ours)

But Christ taught that there is only one true God, the Father in heaven, Who declared there is no other God besides Him:

"After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed: "Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. (Jn. 17:1,3, New International Version, emphasis ours)

"I am the LORD, and there is no other; apart from me there is no God" (Is. 45:5, Ibid, emphasis ours)

For I testify unto every man that hears the words of the prophecy of this book, If anyone shall add unto these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book: And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part out of the Book of Life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

(Revelation 22:18-19, NKJV)

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